Tuesday 7 February 2017

mood board.

This poster shows the simplicity of how i wish my  posters to look for my campaign. 

Testing out different colours on the target audience help for me to see which works the best for my campaign and what works with them.

The colours within this poster represent a goo idea of what i wish my poster to be like as the colours contrast with the dark back ground. I will use green and blue and have less colour only several lines and shapes and i don't want to distract the consumer away from the message of the poster.

The 'reservoir dogs' posters show the use of dark colours in the contrast with brighter colours, this works because your attention is drawn to the writing and the meaning behind the poster in the first place. It triggers the interpretation side of people and gets them to imagine what this poster is really trying to say. The poster works well with the colours that they have used and it creates a mood just through the colours. This is the type f effect i wish to have on my target audience. I want them to feel as though they can achieve anything if the want it bad enough. However, i also want to them to be able to feel a sense of secrecy from the posters and that they need to find things out for them selves. It goes them a sense of adult hood and being more grown up which is what college is all about. If you want something and enough and you work hard enough then you'll get it. Thats just what college is about and that will be communicated through my campaign.

My Media Strategy.

My campaign message is for people to do what they are passionate to do "Dream Big, Make It Happen." is the tag line we are going by and it really make the target audience think about what they want to achieve on the course. By giving young people a sight of their future and dreams helps them to decide really what they want to do with their lives and how they plan on full filling it.

I will use mainly print and and online for my platforms as my research has suggested that it is where my target audience consume the most when it comes to adverts and online content in general.

I plan on using photoshop and premier pro to edit and create pieces for my campaign.
Time line.
  • From now until June 30th i will begin drip feeding my target audience with small bits of information and videos.
  • Throughout February i will start the campaign online through social media.
  • By mid/end February i will have the campaign going out in print and giving the audience small facts and information about the media industry and the course.
When thinking about releasing my campaign and different aspects of it, i will take in to consideration that if i release certain parts of it at the wrong time then my campaign won't be as successful as if i was to have realised it at a better time. For example, if i realised a video on Youtube at 9am on a Monday morning, my target audience isn't going to be as likely to see it as they would be if i related it at 6pm on a Monday. This is because my target audience will be in school or college and it is likely they aren't aloud on their phones. I think the best time to realise the online clips and video would be during the half term or holidays this is because if you drip feed everyday then there is something new each day that would intrigue the target audience they become attached what is going to come next and what new information they will consume. My target audience influenced these decisions because it all depends when they will see the campaign and how they are going to consume it so the time of release is highly important.

My campaign will appear on different platforms such as social media, print and possibly broadcast. Ive chosen these platforms because they communicate my message in the best way possible to my appropriate target audience. The platforms i choose are important to the success of the campaign as if i only use broadcast my target audience wouldn't be reached as well as if i use a range of platforms, websites and other ways of getting the campaign out there.

My campaign will be cohesive in a way that print, broadcast and social media will all drip feed my target audience. My social media websites/accounts will give the target audience tiny bits of information every now and then sometimes there might be more it just depends what happens on the course throughout the week. I plan on doing small radio adverts that give small bits of information about the course and the media industry just like the posters and small videos. I will keep the same layout for the posters changing the facts that appear on them, the facts will be in white and all capitals. The white and black work well together as they show up the writing which is the main part of the posters. It is said that dark themes discourage the audience, however the white front allows the consumer to see the white writing and the facts that it includes. The dark background adds depth to the posters. The poster will also include coloured lines in green and blue as these are both the colours of college and the media department.

I will test the effectiveness of the posters with the opposite of the black posters with white back ground and white writing still including the coloured lines. I will ask my target audience which they believe works better and even involve pictures of the equipment as they wouldn't really work along with the black. I will try out different colours to see which works best for my posters and test which work better with on going feed back forms he target audience. I will see which work best and grab the attention of the most people.

story board/ other ideas

My story board shows what i wish to show when i make my promotional video for the course and also what i will try to include in my short, 10/20 second videos.

I plan on filming lesson of the course and including the activities that happen within them. I will do a boomerang shot of the studios and lessons to show the equipment and lessons.

 Bellow is a image of my ruff idea for my posters. They will be simple and plain so there isn't too much confusion and people can see it will a glance and read it and then effect their thoughts with out them being aware of it.

evidence of research.

 This promotional video is really what i would like mine to be anything like. I feel the video doesn't show the college in the best light that i can as the shots are lagey and the quality isn't very good. The video starts of with the people who attend the college which communicates to me that this video is going to be about them and not their college in general.

This promotional video, although it isn't for a media course, shows the aspects of a promotional video that i would like to see in mine. It shows me what you would get up to if you joined sea cadets. The video allows the consumer to picture what they will experience by joining the group and gives them the chance to put them selves in other peoples shoes and imagine themselves doing what the can see in the video.